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1. Guanajuato, Oil on canvas,
59" X 36", 2020 - 2022
2. North of Fame, Oil on Canvas, 20" X 16",
3. Water Tower, Oil on canvas, 14" x 11",
4. Darn Tall Mounds, Oil on canvas, 5' X 7',
5. Something Like Iceland, Oil, 30" X 6",
6. A Crack in the Earth, Oil on canvas,
36" X 24", 2019
7. Dream House, Oil on canvas, and
thread, 10" X 38", 2018
8. Home from Memory, Oil and thread
on canvas, 32" X 20", 2018
9. Landscape from Memory, Oil on canvas,
16" X 20", 2018
10. Twin Sky Studies, Oil on canvas, 10" X 40",
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